To obtain a Canadian (ATPL-A), the following requirements must be met:
- Complete the medical examination requirements in accordance with the Medical Standards for Civil Aviation Personnel Licensing and be in possession of a Category 1 Medical Certificate. Cost is about $250-350; for a listing of doctors go to: Transport Canada approved doctors
- Proof that the experience requirement is met; go to Canadian Aviation Regulations requirements. An applicant should be able to provide Transport Canada with a log book of their flight experience for review.
- Meet the knowledge requirements by successfully completing the following written examinations: SAMRA, SARON and INRAT. Exam cost $105 to write (total of $315).
- Meet the skill requirement by successfully completing a Flight Test. An applicant for an ATPL-A shall successfully complete a flight test in a multi-engine aeroplane (excluding centre-line thrust) which is suitably equipped for IFR flight in controlled airspace. Flight test cost $350-400 + the airplane rental. The amount of training or practice prior to the flight test depends on the pilot's currency and ability.
- Complete the standard administrative requirements such as submitting proof of foreign citizenship and age, provide the foreign licence and log book for evaluation, submit a licence application form and pay the appropriate fee. Licencing fee is $105.
Also fill out Aviation Document Booklet application and bring in a passport picture (original) for the Aviation Document Booklet.
With a pilot who is current and proficient the above will take 1 week.
For people wishing to immigrate or work in Canada, contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada.