CFC is a Designated Learning Institution by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU), Ministry of Advanced Education, Student Aid BC (SABC) and more.
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4 seater, leather interior, autopilot
Cruising speed 100kts, 2 seater
PA28-140, 2-3 seater, cruising speed 105 kts,150 HP
2 seater, tailwheel, 118 HP, cruising speed 100 kts, GNS 430
Inverted fuel and oil systems, 2 seater, tailwheel, 180 HP, cruising speed 120 kts,
PA34-220T, 6 seater, twin engine 2x220 HP, turbocharged, props counter-rotating, cruising 170kts,
4 seater, cruising speed 127kts, fixed landing gear, two bladed prop
40 types of aircraft, single and multi-engine, piston, turbine and jet.
PA34 - 220T, 6 seater, twin engine 2x220 HP, turbocharged, props counter-rotating, cruising 170kts,
2 seater, cruising speed 100 kts, 360 degree view and VERY interesting spin characteristics!
34 aircraft with different throttle control Quadrants, including Vernier-type
Airline Transport Pilot License, Class 1 Instructor Rating, Pilot Examiner M.E. and IFR, President and CEO of Canadian Flight Centre
Airline Transport Pilot License, Class 1 Aeroplane Instructor Rating, Class 1 Aerobatic Instructor Rating, Airshow Performer, Pilot Examiner PPL and CPL
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
Flight Dispatcher,
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
Canadian Flight Centre promotes FLYING FOR FUN AND CAREER by providing:
We treat our students and staff like family. Forever have and forever will.
Canadian Flight Centre is commited to go green by: