Canadian Flight Centre is certified, accredited, designated on multiple levels: federal, provincial in each respective province, international. See details below.
Federal (Canada)
Transport Canada
Canadian Flight Centre is regulated by Transport Canada. CFC holds a Flight Training Unit (FTU) Operating Certificate, as well as the Aerial Work and Air Taxi (Charter) Operating Certificate. Our FTU number is 0454.
To learn more about Transport Canada, click HERE.
CFC is part of Canadian Education system. To learn more about EduCanada, click HERE.
Provincial (British Columbia)
Student Aid BC (Government Student Loans)
Our domestic students can apply for BC and federal student loans and grants. Amounts vary depending on student’s personal situation and training program. Our Student Aid accreditation number: APBS.
To learn more about Student Aid BC, click HERE.
Ministry of Advanced Education and Education Quality Assurance (EQA)
CFC is designated by the Ministry Advanced Education.
To learn more about Ministry of Advanced Education, click HERE.
Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU)
CFC is a Designated Learning Institution by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU).
To learn more about PRITU click HERE.
Provincial (Alberta)
Details coming soon
CFC is certified by the Laos Aviation Authority for official flight training and flight testing. We have available the only Multi- and Multi-IFR pilot examiner certified by the Laos authority in Canada.
To find further the information about different stages of aviation training, course outlines, student policies, terms and conditions, forms, click HERE for the CFC Student Handbook.
4 seater, leather interior, autopilot
Cruising speed 100kts, 2 seater
PA28-140, 2-3 seater, cruising speed 105 kts,150 HP
2 seater, tailwheel, 118 HP, cruising speed 100 kts, GNS 430
Inverted fuel and oil systems, 2 seater, tailwheel, 180 HP, cruising speed 120 kts,
PA34-220T, 6 seater, twin engine 2x220 HP, turbocharged, props counter-rotating, cruising 170kts,
4 seater, cruising speed 127kts, fixed landing gear, two bladed prop
40 types of aircraft, single and multi-engine, piston, turbine and jet.
PA34 - 220T, 6 seater, twin engine 2x220 HP, turbocharged, props counter-rotating, cruising 170kts,
2 seater, cruising speed 100 kts, 360 degree view and VERY interesting spin characteristics!
34 aircraft with different throttle control Quadrants, including Vernier-type
Airline Transport Pilot License, Class 1 Instructor Rating, Pilot Examiner M.E. and IFR, President and CEO of Canadian Flight Centre
Airline Transport Pilot License, Class 1 Aeroplane Instructor Rating, Class 1 Aerobatic Instructor Rating, Airshow Performer, Pilot Examiner PPL and CPL
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
Flight Dispatcher,
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
Canadian Flight Centre promotes FLYING FOR FUN AND CAREER by providing:
We treat our students and staff like family. Forever have and forever will.
Canadian Flight Centre is commited to go green by: